April 20 Migration Morning walk at Shaver’s Creek

Greetings all,

A very enthusiastic group of 22 birders, representing a range of experiences from middle school novice to bird club regular, came out for the morning walk.  Joshua P. and I split the group and hit the trails around the center.  Highlights included singing ruby-crowned kinglets, blue-headed vireos and a black and white warbler.  Feeding station remains very active with good numbers of purple finches, pine siskins and red-breasted nuthatches.  Three more Wednesday walks slated — we may even get a sunny morning.

Birding Cup update:   The Wing-nuts, Nasal Bristles and the Phantom Inspectors have been added to the roster to help raise awareness and funds for birds and native landscaping.  I hope others will help by joining or supporting a team for the May 6- 7th event.   For more on the Birding Cup, see http://www.outreach.psu.edu/shaverscreek/index-birding-cup.html

PA Migration Count is May 14th and Huntingdon County can always use a few more birders to cover a variety of habitats.   Please reply if you are interested in birding and adding your tally to the county count.

List below is combined from the two groups; 38 species total:

Mallard     2
Killdeer     1
Herring Gull     8
Mourning Dove     1
Belted Kingfisher     3
Red-bellied Woodpecker     1
Downy Woodpecker     2
Hairy Woodpecker     1
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)     3
Pileated Woodpecker     2
Eastern Phoebe     3
Blue-headed Vireo     4
Blue Jay     3
American Crow     1
Black-capped Chickadee     6
Tufted Titmouse     2
Red-breasted Nuthatch     1
White-breasted Nuthatch (Eastern)     2
Brown Creeper     1
Carolina Wren     1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet     8
American Robin     12
Brown Thrasher     1
European Starling     1
Pine Warbler     2
Black-and-white Warbler     1
Eastern Towhee     4
Chipping Sparrow     4
Fox Sparrow     2
Song Sparrow     2
White-throated Sparrow     10
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)     1
Red-winged Blackbird     1
Brown-headed Cowbird     3
Purple Finch     13
Pine Siskin     12
American Goldfinch     4

This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org)

Thanks to Wiscoy for Animals for their support of our Migration Morning Walks.

Doug Wentzel
Program Director & Naturalist

Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center
The Pennsylvania State University
3400 Discovery Road
Petersburg, PA 16669-2114

phone: 814.863.2000, ext. 7515
fax: 814.865.2706
blog: http://shaverscreek.posterous.com/