The Kids Corner program is up and running:
10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center—Discovery Room
Wednesdays, February 22, 29, and March 7
Cost: FREE thanks to the support of our members and sponsor Growing Tree Toys
Crafts, games, experiential learning, and more. Last week’s program focused on water, included a meet-and-greet with a frog, a turtle-making craft, song, dance, and exploration of a pond using a home-made underwater scope. This Wednesday, kids will get an introduction to wind and how it shapes our world. You can look forward to making a wind sock, watching a Native American story about how the wind was created, playing a Simon Says game, singing songs, and racing seeds! A brief snack break will include locally-grown apples. Come one, come all, for a wind-blown morning of fun activity!
We hope to see you this week, and the next, and the next!
~ Lara “Phloem” Nagle, 2012 Winter/Spring Intern