Past Birding Cup Results

2024 Birding Cup Results 

  • The Birding Cup: Raiders of the Lost Lark (Paul Brigman, Will Malan, Matt Schneck) — 136 species
  • The County Cup: The MiffCo Mockingbirds (Christopher Yoder, John David Byler, Jon Kauffman, Daniel Kanagy, Titus Peachey)129 species
  • The Potter Mug: Dark Side of the Loon (Julia Hamilton, Eva Hamilton, David Coder)88 species
  • The Birding Boot: Whip-Poor-Wheels (Joshua Potter, Julian Avery, Dave Miller, Nathan Holmes, Mik Oyler, Matt Marshall, Jeremy Bean, Ellory Potter)102 species
  • The Micro Cup: The Rebel Bird Club (Joe Whitehead, Alex Suleski)83 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 136 species
  • 113 individual birders
  • 31 teams
  • 185 species identified worldwide (Read the full recap: 2024 Birding Cup Breaks Down Barriers)

2023 Birding Cup Results 

  • The Birding Cup: Mifflin County Mockingbirds (Jon Kauffman, John David Byler, Christopher Yoder, Daniel Kanagy, Titus Peachey) — 135 species
  • The County Cup: Raiders of the Lost Lark (Paul Brigman, Will Malan, Matt Schenck, Paul Bartell)128 species
  • The Potter Mug: Against Owl Odds (Amy Welshimer, Caitlin Daley, Samantha Bryn)86 species
  • The Birding Boot: Whip-Poor-Wheels (Joshua Potter, Julian Avery, Dave Miller, Nathan Holmes, Mik Oyler, Matt Marshall)99 species
  • The Micro Cup: Rare Birds (Jen Anderson, Andy Moyer)85 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 135 species
  • 158 individual birders
  • 37 teams
  • 292 species identified worldwide (see entire species list: 2023 Birding Cup Spans Continents to Fundraise for Conservation Efforts)

2022 Birding Cup Results 

  • The Birding Cup: Mifflin County Mockingbirds (Jon Kauffman, John David Byler, Daniel Peachey, Titus Peachey, and Christopher Yoder) — 132 species
  • The County Cup: Raiders of the Lost Lark (Matt Schenck, Paul Bartell, Will Malan, and Paul Brigman)120 species
  • The Potter Mug: Flirty Flamingos (Jacob Sholtis, Kyra Monsam, Nick Smith, and Logan Clancy)37 species
  • The Birding Boot: Feathered Body Inspectors (John Carter, Brian Schmoke, and Sean Herrmann)93 species
  • The Micro Cup: Honey Nut Vireos (Nathan Goldner and Gabrielle Stewart Goldner)54 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 132 species
  • 109 individual birders
  • 30 teams
  • 235 species identified worldwide (see entire species list: The Birding Cup Is Back)

2021 Birding Cup Results

Keeping the global aspect from the 2020 season, this year also saw the reintroduction of a few competitive categories.

  • The Potter Mug: Delta Fly (Christian Alberti, Adam Cygan, Avery LeVan, Greg Pizzano)70 species
  • The Birding Boot: Whip-poor-wheels (Julian Avery, Jeremy Bean, Nathan Holmes, Dave Miller, Joshua Potter)97 species
  • The Micro Cup: Feathered Body Inspectors (John Carter, Brian Schmoke)104 species
  • 130 individual birders
  • 32 teams
  • 20 U.S. states (read one multi-state team’s story: The Re-Terns Return)
  • 1 other country (Guatemala)
  • 290 species identified worldwide (see entire species list: Return of the Global Birding Cup)

2020 Birding Cup Results

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Birding Cup dropped the competitive aspect and welcomed birders from across the globe. During a 24-hour period, the Shaver’s Creek “global community” came together to celebrate unity and hope. The 2020 Birding Cup involved:

2019 Birding Cup Results

  • The Birding Cup: Psycho Killdeer (Carl Engstrom, Jon Kauffman, Joe Verica, Dennis McGillicuddy, Lewis Grove) — 145 species
  • The County Cup: Raiders of the Lost Lark (Paul Brigman, Will Malan, Paul Bartell) — 135 species
  • The Potter Mug: Supernatural SEEDlings (Bridget Petkac, Davis Michael, Billy Sellers)59 species
  • The Birding Boot: Whip-poor-wheels (Dave Miller, Julian Avery, Matt Toenies, Joshua Potter, Ellory Potter)107 species
  • The Micro Cup: Two Cuckoos (Deuane Hoffman, Carolyn Blatchley)122 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 145 species
  • Total species seen by all teams — 194 species

2018 Birding Cup Results

  • The Birding Cup: Psycho Killdeer (Carl Engstrom, Jon Kauffman, Joe Verica, Dennis McGillicuddy) — 152 species
  • The County Cup: Bad Optics (Doug Wentzel, Laurie McLaughlin, Nate Shipley, Matt Shumar, Mark McLaughlin) — 134 species
  • The Potter Mug: Fearless Fledglings (Scott Taylor, Duncan Wentzel, Brian McLaughlin, Dylan Wentzel, Sean McLaughlin, Andrew Penn, Maddie Giovagnoli)87 species
  • The Birding Boot: Red-rumped Irruptives (Dave Miller, Julian Avery, Jeremy Bean, Mik Oyler, Joshua Potter)127 species
  • The Micro Cup: Two Cuckoos (Deuane Hoffman, Carolyn Blatchley)124 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 152 species
  • Total species seen by all teams — 189 species

2017 Birding Cup Results

  • The Birding Cup: Psycho Killdeer (Jon Kauffman, Lewis Grove, Joe Verica, Dennis McGillicuddy) — 142 species
  • The County Cup: Keg Chukars (Ian Gardner, Deuane Hoffman, Ted Nichols, Vince Pantanella) — 129 species
  • The Potter Mug: Ahh, Frigate! (Joe Whitehead, Kyler Sonney, Dale Sonney)106 species
  • The Birding Boot: Tie between Weekend Migrants (Jen Steigerwalt, Matt Marsden, Lucy McClain, Nate McKelvey, Ben Steines) and Feathered Body Inspectors (Brian Schmoke, John Carter, Lindera Carter, Sean Herrmann, Allie Causey)110 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 142 species
  • Total species seen by all teams — 194 species

2016 Birding Cup Results

  • The Birding Cup: Tie between Tick McGreer & the Kickers (Brian Sedgwick, Brad Peroney, Bill Voigt, Jerod Skebo, Ralph Crewe, Jerod Benefield, Alex Lamoreaux) and Raiders of the Lost Lark: Temple of Loon (Paul Brigman, Will Malan, Matt Schenck) — 146 species
  • The County Cup: Bad Optics (Doug Wentzel, Mark McLaughlin, Laurie McLaughlin, Rob Neitz, Matt Shumar) — 141 species
  • The Potter Mug: Snap Grackle Pop (Alexa Sarussi, Kirstin Waldkonig, Joseph Seebode, Ben Steines, Maris Wilson and Torri Withrow)111 species
  • The Birding Boot: Red-rumped Irruptives (Joshua Potter, Jeremy Bean, Dave Miller, and Nathan Holmes)126 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 146 species
  • Total species seen by all teams — 189 species
  • Blog: Record-breaking 2016 Birding Cup Results

2015 Birding Cup Results

  • The Birding Cup: Raiders of the Lost Lark Pt. II: In Search of the Holy Rail (Paul Brigman, Will Malan, Kevin Ber) — 140 species
  • The County Cup: Bad Optics (Doug Wentzel, Mark McLaughlin, Laurie McLaughlin, Matt Shumar) — 126 species
  • The Potter Mug: Gone Pishing (Mark Bonta, Ian McGregor, and Catherine Kilgus)100 species
  • The Birding Boot: Red-rumped Irruptives (Joshua Potter, Jeremy Bean, Mik Oyler, Dave Miller, and Nathan Holmes) — 118 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 140 species
  • Total species seen by all teams — 186 species
  • Blog: 2015 Birding Cup Champions

2014 Birding Cup Results

  • The Birding Cup: Nemesis Birders (Alex Lamoreaux, Ian Gardner, Matt Sabatine, Mark Mizak) — 157 species
  • The County Cup: Juniata Juncos (Chad Kauffman, Vern Gauthier, Aden Troyer, Ramsay) — 120 species
  • The Potter Mug: Indigo Hunting (Bill Jester, Christie Jester, Zachary Jester, Caleb Jester, Greg Herman, Matthew Herman, Emma Herman)116 species
  • The Birding Boot: 101 Ways to Use a Shoveler (Jon Kauffman, Matt Marsden, Lucy McClain, Nate McKelvey) — 104 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 157 species
  • Total species seen by all teams — 188 species
  • Blog: Birding Cup 2014 Results
  • Blog: Tweetin’ about #BirdingCup

2013 Birding Cup Results

  • The Birding Cup: Nemesis Birders (Drew Weber, Alex Lamoreaux, Nate Fronk, Josh Lefever, Ian Gardner) — 140 species
  • The County Cup: Bad Optics (Laurie McLaughlin, Mark McLaughlin, Doug Wentzel, Matt Shumar, Molly McDermitt) — 111 species
  • The Potter Mug: The Loonatics (Melissa Freed, Clinton Rupeka, Liz Short, Justine Weber)97 species
  • The Birding Boot: 101 Ways to Use a Shoveler (Jon Kauffman, Matt Marsden, Lucy McClain, Julie Dahl) — 101 species
  • Most birds identified by a single team — 140 species
  • Total species seen by all teams — 169 species
  • Blog: 2013 Results

The Birding Cup History

The Birding Cup award: a silver trophyawarded to the team that identifies the most bird species

2022: Mifflin County Mockingbirds (132 species); 2021: n/a; 2020: n/a; 2019: Psycho Killdeer (145 species); 2018: Psycho Killdeer (152 species); 2017: Psycho Killdeer (142 species); 2016: Tick McGreer & the Kickers and Raiders of the Lost Lark: Temple of Loon (tie, 146 species); 2015: Raiders of the Lost Lark Pt. II: In Search of the Holy Rail (140 species); 2014: Nemesis Birders (157 species); 2013: Nemesis Birders (140 species); 2012: Nemesis Birders (151 species); 2011: Bad Optics (137 species); 2010: The Wing Nuts (130 species); 2009: The Wing Nuts (141 species); 2008: The Wing Nuts (142 species); 2007: Common Loons (144 species); 2006: Birding the Midnight Oil (160 species); 2005: Birding the Midnight Oil, Common Loons, and Wing Nuts (134 species each); 2004: Common Loons (139 species); 2003: Common Loons (129 species); 2002: Pisshed Off (137 species); 2001: Corky’s Team (120 species); 2000: Pisshed Off (143 species); 1999: Pisshed Off (129 species); 1998: Corky’s Team and Bad Optics (107 species each)

The County Cup History

The County Cup award: a silver mugawarded to the team that identifies the most bird species within one county

2022: Raiders of the Lost Lark (120 species); 2021: n/a; 2020: n/a; 2019: Raiders of the Lost Lark (135 species); 2018: Bad Optics (134 species); 2017: Keg Chukars (129 species); 2016: Bad Optics (141 species); 2015: Bad Optics (126 species); 2014: Juniata Juncos (120 species); 2013: Bad Optics (111 species); 2012: Bad Optics (136 species); 2011: The Wing Nuts (128 species); 2010: Bad Optics (122 species); 2009: Common Loons (140 species); 2008: Huntingdon Hawkeyes (123 species); 2007: Birding the Midnight Oil; 2006: Common Loons (140 species); 2005: Huntingdon Hawkeyes (103 species); 2004: Huntingdon Hawkeyes (116 species), JVAS Gnatcatchers (116 species); 2003: Common Loons (129 species); 2002: JVAS Gnatcatchers (132 species)

The Potter Mug History

The Potter Mug award: a ceramic coffee mugawarded to the team where all members have fewer than two years of birding experience

2022: Flirty Flamingos (37 species); 2021: Delta Fly (70 species); 2020: n/a; 2019: Supernatural SEEDlings (59 species); 2018: Fearless Fledglings (87 species); 2017: Ahh, Frigate! (106 species); 2016: Snap Grackle Pop (111 species); 2015: Gone Pishing (100 species); 2014: Indigo Hunting (116 species); 2013: The Loonatics (97 species); 2012: 3-Dog Night (125 species); 2011: The Kingpishers (77 species); 2010: Turnstones (106 species); 2009: Team Awesome (95 species); 2008: Nasal Bristles (115 species); 2007: The Phantom Inspectors (93 species); 2006: Block Birds (96 species); 2005: Chiva Divas (82 species); 2004: Last-minute Marvels (8 species); 2003: Stinkbugs (82 species)

The Birding Boot History

The Birding Boot award: a trophy made from a hiking bootawarded to the team that identifies the most bird species without use of motorized transportation

2022: Feathered Body Inspectors (93 species); 2021: Whip-poor-wheels (97 species); 2020: n/a; 2019: Whip-poor-wheels (107 species); 2018: Red-rumped Irruptives (127 species); 2017: Weekend Migrants and Feathered Body Inspectors (tie, 110 species); 2016: Red-rumped Irruptives (126 species); 2015: Red-rumped Irruptives (118 species); 2014: 101 Ways to Use a Shoveler (104 species); 2013: 101 Ways to Use a Shoveler (101 species); 2012: Red-rumped Reducks (103 species); 2011: Red-rumped Irruptives (116 species); 2010: Red-rumped Irruptives (97 species); 2009: Red-rumped Irruptives (102 species); 2008: Timberdoodles (40 species); 2007: Vagrants (94 species)

The Micro Cup History

awarded to the team of two birders that identifies the most bird species in a single 1-mile diameter circle

2022: Honey Nut Vireos (54 species); 2021: Feathered Body Inspectors (104 species); 2020: n/a; 2019: Two Cuckoos (122 species); 2018: Two Cuckoos (124 species)