Watching the World Fly By: Hawk Watch at Stone Mountain

Hawk Watch. That’s an app, right? Wrong. Hawk watching is actually a citizen science program where individuals spend their day outdoors and their eyes fixed on the sky. The point of this program is to get a count of migrating bird species and the number of individuals in each species. The sign leading to the…

Hummingbird Migration

“Almost everything concrete we know about wild birds we know from banding them.”  — Scott Weidensaul This past February I had the privilege to travel to Honduras for twelve days with ten enthusiastic birdwatchers on a birding for conservation tour. With a tally of over three hundred species on the trip, it’s hard to think…

Nature’s Concert

You hear it all the time, whether you’re aware of it or not: the fantastic music extravaganza that is nature’s sound! It’s not played by any traditional orchestra or symphony, but rather by many different living and non-living things. This concert is much like real life theme music. Just like how certain songs play in…

Connecting Intern to Intern and Reptiles to the Sun

Two years ago this summer, I was one of eighteen lucky college students invited to attend a three month internship on idyllic Bald Head Island, North Carolina. I anxiously packed my life into a suitcase and carry-on, never having lived outside my parents’ home in southeast Michigan. I boarded my planes hoping for an exciting…

Meanings of a Nature Name

“Sometimes I think that maybe we are just stories. Like we may as well just be words on a page, because we’re only what we’ve done and what we are going to do.” ― Jodi Lynn Anderson, Tiger Lily One of the many quirks of a Shaver’s Creek internship is the responsibility and privilege of…

Return of the Bluebirds

For nearly 50 years, the bluebird populations across North America saw a major decline. Once as common as a robin, the bluebird became so rare that many people assumed its extinction was inevitable. Male and female bluebirds The drastic decreases in population were due to a number of factors. The first cause was the reduction…

Record-breaking 2016 Birding Cup Results

27 teams comprising 127 birders made for a record-breaking 27th year of the Birding Cup! This year, donations to Shaver’s Creek’s only annual fundraiser will go toward the cutting and milling of local woods for use in Shaver’s Creek’s upcoming building project. (Much of the wood was already removed to support American Woodcock habitat, and…

Amphibians on the Move

It is that time of the year again! Birds are singing, flower buds are starting to form, the days are getting longer and warmer, and amphibians are on the move. Each spring, as the snow melts and the temperatures begin to rise, frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders awake from their hibernation state and migrate to…

What’s in a Nature Name?

I was looking for a story. Really anything that spoke to me. I was looking for inspiration. I took a walk. I meditated on it. I even went through my home library of the “classics” that I’ll frequent on an odd day or whim. I was looking for a name. Well, something to take on…