Fun at Ag Progress Days

A van loaded with animals, a jeep full of interns, and a sedan of two State College residents make their way in the early morning of Tuesday, August 12th, to commence Shaver’s Creek activities at Ag Progress Days. No rain, wind, or mud will stop us. I trudge through the mud and grasp my raincoat…

Seeing with New Eyes: The Butterfly Count at Shaver’s Creek

The orange butterfly weed seemed a hub of gustatory commerce as dozens of dusty wings set it to motion. With the sun high overhead, three humans garbed for the hunt took to the meadow. I was in my rubber boots (for blocking poison ivy) and big hat (for shade), and in my hands, a butterfly…

Wild About Wild About Art Camp

Late morning in early July, ten girls create intently in a hemlock grove. In this, their third day of Wild About Arts Camp, they’ve been given a prompt that requires no paper, no pencils, and no paint — just their imaginations and the forest. They are building small structures from piled sticks thatched with moss.…

Off Week for an Intern?

As another week of summer camp with the fantastic Wee Wonderers and the pensive WAACers (Wild About Art Camp) simmered to a close last Friday, I began to hear strange, foreign phrases emanating from the mouths of Shaver’s Creek interns such as, “What should we do next week?” and “I’m going to have tons of…

Natural Glitter

You are curled up on your deck, overlooking a field soaked in summer twilight. Winking between foliage you see them; insect beacons, shamelessly waving their abdomens in the air for the entire world to see. They flicker and frolic through the air, traveling who knows where, with the dancing demeanor of a playful ballerina. Some…

Hawk Watching on Tussey Mountain

With the middle of May approaching, a lot of us are looking to the leafed-out trees in hopes of finding migrating wood warblers, thrushes, and flycatchers.  But to some, migration has already wrapped up and those birds are now sitting on eggs or caring for their young. Hawk watching enthusiasts get an early start on…

Birding Cup 2014 Results

Another year, another Birding Cup, another huge list of birds observed! This year a combined total of 188 different species were discovered by all teams over a 24-hour period! Congratulations are in order for the 23 teams (of 97 birders!) who put their eyes to their binoculars and made this year’s ‘Cup another great event!…

Get Outside for Trails Day!

When I sat down recently to think about all the trails I’ve been on in my life, I realized something. Some of my most memorable outdoor experiences happened on those trails. I saw a bear for the first time. I heard a bull elk bugle. I saw tracks of a mountain lion where it had…

Tweetin’ About #BirdingCup

It’s almost time for the 2014 Birding Cup! When the clock strikes 7:00 p.m. this Friday, May 2, over twenty teams of birders positioned across central Pennsylvania will focus their binoculars on the first bird they can find, and kick off 24 hours of identifying as many bird species as possible. One team might be…