Mushroom Hunting

The fall season has so much to offer. Whether it is the beauty of the changing leaves or just the crisp air, there is something interesting for everyone. The plethora of leaf litter and dead flowers brings dreadful anticipation of winter to some, but to others, this is one of the best times of the…

Preparing for Fall Harvest Fest

We are all seeing the telltale signs of fall: colored leaves, brisk evenings, shaved cornfields, and pumpkin flavored everything. At Shaver’s Creek, the signs of the impending Fall Harvest Festival are appearing like the leaves in your yard. As the large orange pumpkin signs at the end of Charter Oak Road and other spots around…

We All Fall

The fall season at Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center is building momentum. The fall season out here starts at about 500 MPH and continues so until the beginning of November, when the waves of programs and events begin to slow down. On Monday, September 15th the summer 2014 season review took place, marking the official close…

Summer Camp Makes Sparks

“Can you imagine being the age you are today and to never have been in the woods?” Campers are stunned as their counselor Acorn (Kayla Czekaj) poses this unbelievable question to them after a reading of Dr. Suess’ The Lorax. As they sit in Fox’s Den, surrounded by trees and the chirping birds, they are…

The Disappearance of the Little Brown Bats

Almost every Friday night during the summer, around 8:30 pm, a large group of families and summer camp staff gather in Grasshopper Glen, behind the raptor center, as the launching place for night hikes. Once everyone has arrived, the camp director introduces the night hikes—speaking of the beauty of the night, the sounds that emerge…

Fun at Ag Progress Days

A van loaded with animals, a jeep full of interns, and a sedan of two State College residents make their way in the early morning of Tuesday, August 12th, to commence Shaver’s Creek activities at Ag Progress Days. No rain, wind, or mud will stop us. I trudge through the mud and grasp my raincoat…

Seeing with New Eyes: The Butterfly Count at Shaver’s Creek

The orange butterfly weed seemed a hub of gustatory commerce as dozens of dusty wings set it to motion. With the sun high overhead, three humans garbed for the hunt took to the meadow. I was in my rubber boots (for blocking poison ivy) and big hat (for shade), and in my hands, a butterfly…

Wild About Wild About Art Camp

Late morning in early July, ten girls create intently in a hemlock grove. In this, their third day of Wild About Arts Camp, they’ve been given a prompt that requires no paper, no pencils, and no paint — just their imaginations and the forest. They are building small structures from piled sticks thatched with moss.…

Off Week for an Intern?

As another week of summer camp with the fantastic Wee Wonderers and the pensive WAACers (Wild About Art Camp) simmered to a close last Friday, I began to hear strange, foreign phrases emanating from the mouths of Shaver’s Creek interns such as, “What should we do next week?” and “I’m going to have tons of…