Incoming PSU Students—Get a Head Start on College with Urban Service Experience!

Are you an incoming first-year Penn State student to University Park campus? Are you looking to build friendships and spend a week in Philadelphia participating in fantastic community service opportunities, both indoors and outdoors? Then consider USE — the Urban Service Experience offered by Shaver’s Creek, Penn State’s Nature Center. Students enrolled in USE will…

Celebrate Spring with Maple Harvest Fest!

It’s the first day of spring, and Maple Harvest Festival is almost here! Join us this weekend, March 24 and 25, for an action-packed day of maple sugaring demonstrations, interactive teaching stations, live music, Bird of Prey shows, and the ever-favorite all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. Our pancake breakfast features pure maple syrup from regional PA producers,…

PAEE is almost upon us!

It's that time of year again – where teachers, naturalists, administrators, students, and environmental education professionals gather for one conference: the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators (PAEE) conference, titled: "Earth: The Educator's Manual."  Shaver's Creek staff have been helping to prepare an exceptional event. Expect workshops and presentations on citizen science, engaging diverse audiences, using…

Extraordinary Eagles

  The skunk cabbage is blooming, the sap is flowing, and young bird fancies are turning to thoughts of love—especially if the young bird in question is a bald eagle. Bald eagles start nesting in late February and early March, and the bald eagles here at Shaver’s Creek are no exception. We have three bald…

2012 Summer Camps still have a few open slots!

Our summer camps sure are filling up quickly.  Some weeks of camp still have available space, however!  This blog post serves as a quick update about the availability of our camps. Due to our member-only registration period in January, many camps quickly reached capacity.  You can still receive the discounted summer camp price by becoming…

Get those kids OUTSIDE!

Children who are allowed free, unstructured time outdoors show increased levels of happiness, cooperation, self-confidence, and tend to maintain a healthier body weight. Kids who take risks outside show improved motor coordination and general ease of movement, especially when involved in physical activities, both functional and recreational. Developing a sense of self is a multifaceted…

Owl Prowl

Hoot hoot! Our first Owl Prowl of the season is coming up quickly! Join us on Friday, February 24 from 6:00–8:00 p.m. We will take a close look at the injured owls that live at Shaver’s Creek, and learn how owls survive the winter. Then we’ll head outside and try out some of the wild…

Kids Corner is Kickin’!

The Kids Corner program is up and running:10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center—Discovery RoomWednesdays, February 22, 29, and March 7Cost: FREE thanks to the support of our members and sponsor Growing Tree Toys Exciting, environmental programs for preschool-aged participants and their parents or grandparents!  Crafts, games, experiential learning, and more. Last week’s program focused on…

The Grand (Re)Opening

With winter programs happening at Shaver’s Creek like wreath-making and the Solstice Sale & Stroll, it may not seem like we are closed to the general public – but in fact we were, for a couple of months, at least.  Of course the staff has been busy – teaching classes both here and on campus,…