Bird Walk, Sept 1 at SCEC

Hi all, A dozen of us walked the boardwalk loop this morning and enjoyed a variety of birds and the relatively cool start to the day. Good looks at most of the “confusing fall warblers” in the list below.  And as you can see, hummingbirds, robins and catbirds are in abundance (special thanks to the…

The Monarch of Migration

As August continues to fly by, my time here at Shaver’s Creek is coming to an end. It has been an action packed summer full of exploring, summer camps, singing, and campfires… I would go as far as saying this is probably the best summer ever. As I look forward to moving to Maryland for…

Take A Load Off!

For the past few weeks, I have been spending a majority of my time preparing for camps, hiking and playing games with campers, and exploring the beautiful natural world around me. All of this running around, playing, and discovering has been more than I could have ever asked for, but sometimes it’s important to sit…

The Bees are Back!

After our previous colony collapsed last fall, we’re excited to report that bees are back in our Honey Bee exhibit in the Lower Classroom. This past spring, intern Lauren Seiler worked hard to get the exhibit cleaned, installed, and ready to receive our swarm. She also developed the educational materials at the bottom of this…