The Visitor Center and Klingsberg Aviary will be closed to visitors from December 22, 2024, through January 22, 2025.

Interns vie for title of Trail Steward Champion @ShaversCreek

This past week, Shaver’s Creek interns Lauren Seiler and Danny Hontz regained the title of Trail Steward Champions, but had to wrestle the belts from the previous week’s winners Alyssa Thiel and Lauren Chain (not pictured). Trying hard to keep the peace is Shaver’s Creek Caretaker Brian Sedgwick, the one who deems which interns have…

April 21 Bird Walk

A beautiful morning to be on the boardwalk trail with 21 other enthusiastic bird watchers. Highlights include singing brown creeper and blue-headed vireo, as well as good looks at a field sparrow and bluebird taking advantage of what is now “Meadow” Perez. The trail also features a nice assortment of spring ephemerals, many just coming…

Student Sustainability Mission Statement @PennState

At the recent Penn State Student Sustainability Summit, more than 100 Penn State students gave input to develop a Student Sustainability Mission Statement urging the University to adopt environmentally responsible behaviors. They are trying to garner 1,000 signatures by Earth Day (This Thursday!) If you are interested, you can sign today at: Here is…

40th Anniversary of Earth Day!

This Earth Day, Let’s Get Smart, Get Healthy, and Get Kids Outside! Join the No Child Left Inside Coalition and Earth Day Network as they call on parents, teachers, and schools across the country to take kids outside to learn on the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, April 22, 2010. We all know that Mother…

Turtles, Snakes, Frogs, and Toads, Oh my!

The Creek is crawling with water-loving animals in the month of April!  Pictured first is a Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) on the Boardwalk Trail. This large freshwater turtle may hiss when threatened or approached, and should be regarded with caution. It can easily amputate a finger if handled incorrectly.  Pictured next is a Northern…