Bloodroot in Bloom!

One of the earliest spring blooms in Pennsylvania, bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is easily recognizable by its white petals, yellow reproductive parts, and bright red sap.  The colorful sap, toxic in bloodroot, is characteristic of flowers in the poppy family (Papaveraceae).  These flowers were found on the Twin Bridges trail.  See the full gallery on Posterous

Chipping Sparrows, Pine Warblers, Blue-headed Vireos singing @ShaversCreek

We continue to welcome back our returning migrants. An Eastern phoebe has been singing for a couple of weeks now, and was joined this weekend by chipping sparrows, pine warblers, and a blue-headed vireo! Migration Morning Bird Walks with Doug Wentzel start this week. Meet here at Shaver’s Creek every Wednesday at 7AM through early…

NOLS to Visit Penn State Campus

Shaver’s Creek would like to let all Penn State students interested in the outdoors to know that a representative from the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) is coming to visit campus on Thursday April 1st.  He will be visiting various classes that day, but will also be available to talk to students and answer questions…

Maple Harvest Fest fun

What a great weekend at the Fest!  Over 1,800 attendees despite the cold!  About 150 Penn State student volunteers too. A great time to reconnect with so many Shaver’s Creek friends and family. We are on the local Fox news last night as well.  We’ll see if the Collegian posts our stuff as well since…

Live music & animal shows at this weekend’s Maple Harvest Festival! (not to mention the pancakes)

Please join us this weekend, Saturday, March 27 & Sunday, March 28, for the Maple Harvest Festival here at Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center. For more details, visit our website at: In addition to the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast and interpretive stations, the Schedule of Entertainment for the Festival is: Saturday: 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.    Dance Performance…