Tickets are required to visit Shaver's Creek March 22–23 during the Maple Harvest Festival.

Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center offers opportunities for everyone to connect with and conserve Pennsylvania’s diverse habitats and wildlife.

Research InitiativesFamily Learning
Research Initiatives - Shaver’s Creek supports Penn State students engaged in research related to wildlife, plant science, and environmental education. Learn about current projects and how to apply for a graduate assistantship.
Zero Waste InitiativeTwo Zero Waste workers puzzle over the contents of the recycling bins
Zero Waste Initiative - We have become a Zero Waste facility, where we reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost almost everything as we strive to eliminate material sent to the landfill.
Appalachian Botany and Ethnobotanyanemone quinquefolia
Appalachian Botany and Ethnobotany - This program has brought renewed authenticity to our managed landscape and wild surroundings, and educates students about native plantings, invasive species, sustainable forestry, and nontimber forest products.
Wildlife Education and Engagement ProgramA volunteer works with a raptor during an animal care program
Wildlife Education and Engagement Program - The Animal Care Program functions primarily as a training facility that teaches about animal welfare, animal behavior, management of live education animals, and educational interpretation skills.
Citizen Science ProjectsA volunteer inspects a nest box
Citizen Science Projects - Learn about our “citizen science” projects that connect volunteers and scientists to work together to answer real-world questions and gather data.
Report an Animal that Needs HelpAnimal care
Report an Animal that Needs Help - Contact information for reporting injured wildlife.