Tickets are required to visit Shaver's Creek March 22–23 during the Maple Harvest Festival.

Participate in Birding Cup

Step 1: Decide How You’d Like to Participate

Global Community (non-competitive)

Birders of all skill levels from anywhere in the world can participate in the Birding Cup by registering for the non-competitive Global Community category.

Birding Cup Teams (friendly competition)

Birders in Central Pennsylvania can form teams to compete for one of the traditional Birding Cup trophies. Teams should select a captain who will be responsible for registering the team and its members.

Step 2: Know the Rules

All participants must be familiar with and willing to comply with all of the rules in order to compete. All birders, including those in the non-competitive Global Community category, must practice proper birding ethics.

Step 3: Register

Please use the Birding Cup Registration Form below if you are the captain of a team registering to compete in one of the five Birding Cup categories or if you are registering as part of the noncompetitive Global Community of birders.

Registration deadline for competitive teams: Sunday, April 27, 7:00 p.m. (ET)

Step 4: Raise Money for Shaver’s Creek!

After you register, a customized fundraising page will be created on the Birding Cup fundraising site for both global birders and teams competing locally. Please share your team link on social media to have friends and family sponsor your team’s 24-hour birding adventure, while also supporting Shaver’s Creek.

Competitive teams must secure at least $200 in pledges to be eligible to win their respective category. Teams may solicit donations through their fundraising site or by downloading and printing the Birding Cup Pledge Sheet (pdf). In lieu of outside support, teams can make an in-kind donation.

Questions about the fundraising platform may be emailed to Rebecca Kennedy at