Tickets are required to visit Shaver's Creek March 22–23 during the Maple Harvest Festival.

Donate to Birding Cup

For twenty-five years, important projects at Shaver’s Creek and across the region have been accomplished by the generous efforts of both Birding Cup participants and supporters.

All donations — to teams and individuals or directly to the Shaver’s Creek Birding Cup fund — support the impactful work we do at Shaver’s Creek. Take action today to reward your favorite birder while contributing to our mission!

Donate Now

Projects Made Possible by Birding Cup

The projects below have been supported by Birding Cup fundraising efforts.

2024: Reducing financial barriers to outdoor education programs

An outdoor educator holds a poster showing illustrations of the frog species that live in Pennsylvania

2023: Funding a spring hawk counter on Tussey Ridge

Adult Golden Eagle flying past the hawkwatch. Courtesy of Nick Bolgiano.
Adult Golden Eagle flying past the hawkwatch. Courtesy of Nick Bolgiano.

2022: Renovations to our Klingsberg Aviary

The Klingsburg Aviary sign appears out of focus behind some leaves

2021: Bringing the Lost Bird Project to central Pennsylvania

lost bird project passenger pigeon sculpture in snow

2019–20: Silvi Classroom Citizen Science improvements and new technology

A view from the Barn Owl nestcam

2018: Brand-new enclosures for our resident birds of prey

New Raptor Enclosure

2017: Installing bird-friendly glass in our building and expansion project

Closeup view of bird friendly glass that shows the horizontal line pattern, designed to reduce bird collisions with the glass

2016: Harvesting local wood from Stone Valley Forest for our expansion and renovation

2015: Farmland Raptor Conservation: Nest boxes installed around the community

Farmland Conservation volunteers pose with a barn owl in front of the Shaver's Creek Subaru

2014: Lakeside dock and stable shoreline by Sunset Point Pavilion

Lakeside Dock

2013: Aerie Garden

The Aerie Garden at Shaver's Creek Environmental Center

2012: Front yard pond